VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2017

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2017, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 20203 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 A'HEARN, Erin Lucy Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew English 41
2 A'HEARN, Erin Lucy Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Further Mathematics 40
3 A'SPECULO, Aislinn Emilia Ballarat Grammar School Wendouree English 45
4 ABARESHI, Arkia Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows Further Mathematics 44
5 ABASTOS MIURA, Asami Carolina Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona Languages: Japanese Second Language 41
6 ABAYARATNE, Thenura Sasmika Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 41
7 ABBAS, Mohammad Shayan John Monash Science School Clayton Biology 41
8 ABBOTT, Ayushi Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 42
9 ABBOTT, Kieran James Marcellin College Bulleen Product Design and Technology 41
10 ABBSAR, Iffat Lyndale Secondary College Dandenong North English 45
11 ABDEEN, Sabriya MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 48
12 ABDEEN, Sabriya MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Psychology 47
13 ABDEL-MALAK, Mark Youssef Parade College Bundoora English 41
14 ABDEL-MALAK, Mark Youssef Parade College Bundoora Religion and Society 41
15 ABDELAL, Shareef Omar Nossal High School Berwick Further Mathematics 45
16 ABDUL RIDHA, Abrar Sirius College Broadmeadows Campus Broadmeadows English 42
17 ABDUL, Rahman Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows Further Mathematics 49
18 ABDUL, Rahman Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows Biology 41
19 ABDULLAH, Ayat Ali Camberwell High School Canterbury Health and Human Development 41
20 ABDULLAH, Isra Mahmud MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 46
21 ABDULSATTAR, Al-Hasan Rosehill Secondary College Niddrie Further Mathematics 47
22 ABE, Akira Boxtel St Kevins College Toorak Languages: Japanese Second Language 42
23 ABEAD, Kiroulus Fayek Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Further Mathematics 44
24 ABEAD, Marina Fayek Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Further Mathematics 41
25 ABEDINI, Mohammad Amin Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster English as an Additional Language 40
26 ABELA, Lauren Michelle Caroline Chisholm Catholic College Braybrook Health and Human Development 41
27 ABERY, Georgina Alice Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
28 ABEYSEKERA, Nivantha Dilanchana East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Further Mathematics 40
29 ABEYSINGHE, Anishka Naomi Sacre Coeur Glen Iris Business Management 44
30 ABEYSINGHE, Anishka Naomi Sacre Coeur Glen Iris English 41
31 ABEYSINGHE, Aswini Nudara Nossal High School Berwick Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
32 ABEYSINGHE, Aswini Nudara Nossal High School Berwick Biology 40
33 ABEYSIRIGUNAWARDANA, Dewmi Damsarie Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East English 49
34 ABEYSIRIGUNAWARDANA, Dewmi Damsarie Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Chemistry 44
35 ABEYSIRIGUNAWARDANA, Dewmi Damsarie Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Languages: French 42
36 ABEYSIRIGUNAWARDANA, Dewmi Damsarie Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
37 ABFALTER, Kate St Columbas College Essendon Physical Education 49
38 ABIERA, Abigail Anne Heathdale Christian College Werribee Music Performance (VCE VET) 43
39 ABOO, Sandy Mount Ridley P-12 College Craigieburn Business Management 40
40 ABOU-EID, Khalil Australian International Academy Coburg North Coburg Further Mathematics 42
41 ABOU-EID, Luqman Australian International Academy Coburg North Coburg Further Mathematics 50
42 ABOU-EID, Luqman Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Arabic 43
43 ABOU-EID, Luqman Australian International Academy Coburg North Coburg Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
44 ABOU-EID, Sarah Pascoe Vale Girls Secondary College Pascoe Vale Business Management 48
45 ABOU-EID, Sarah Pascoe Vale Girls Secondary College Pascoe Vale English 41
46 ABRAAM, Jacqueline Methodist Ladies College Kew English 44
47 ABRAAM, Jacqueline Methodist Ladies College Kew Further Mathematics 42
48 ABRAHAM, Jessica Jean Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Psychology 45
49 ABREHART, Mia Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown English 40
50 ABU-TALEB, Rawan Sirius College Broadmeadows Campus Broadmeadows Further Mathematics 43
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2024
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