Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2016

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2016 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all student study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 86 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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Rows per page:
1 LOUCAS, Tanya Mei Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 50,43
2 MAIN, Rachael Josephine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 50
3 JENKINS, Catherine Rose Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 49,45,45,41
4 LARDNER, Madison Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 49,45,44,42
5 HEBBARD, Isobel Kate Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 49,40,40,40
6 RICH, Isaac David Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 48,47,46,45
7 WILLIAMS, Jessica Denise Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 48,42,41,40
8 DATEY, Sayuj Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 48,41
9 MIHELAKOS, Kirk Peter Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 48,40
10 HAWKINS, Georgia Anne Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 47,45,40
11 HERTEN, Mary-Ann Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 47,44
12 DOWLING, Angus Edward Sims Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 47,43,41
13 DANIELS, Matthew Robert Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 47,43
14 NIU, Adam Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 47
15 SEEAR, Abbey Kate Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 47
16 CHENG, Huike Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 5 46,45,43,42,40
17 CRAIG, Jack William Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 46,44,43
18 GU, Louis Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 46
19 NEALE, Benjamin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 46
20 XU, Endi Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 46
21 YE, Jiacheng Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 45,40
22 CRESSWELL, Bethany Rose Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
23 LINDEMAN, Gabrielle Florence Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
24 ZUMBO, Stephanie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
25 GOODIN, Madison Kate Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 44,44,43
26 VOULGARIS, Stephanie Helen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 44,42
27 RUAN, Xuyin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
28 SHUI, Haotian Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
29 THOMSON, Harry Nicholas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
30 VALENTINE, Nicholas Jarrod Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
31 DRAKE, Olivia Ellen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,43
32 DAI, Qiyanru Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,42,40
33 WILSON, Joseph Michael Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,41
34 ELLIS, Olivia Amy Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
35 HOWARD, Connor Laurence Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
36 HUA, Meg Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
37 LIU, Garrison Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
38 MANNING, Joel Louis Stanley Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
39 REVILL, Eve Ann Burkitt Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
40 STEEL, Georgina Charlotte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
41 WADE, Nelson Graeme Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
42 YEO, Kirstie Louise Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
43 DIPROSE, Alexandra Elizabeth Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 42,40
44 SOLOMON, Pia Brigitte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 42,40
45 DIMPFEL, Johanna Ella Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
46 GONZALES, Maximillian Luis Jones Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
47 GRAHAM, Claire Margot Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
48 JACKSON, Hannah Kate Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
49 JIANG, Justin Yi Xin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
50 LIU, Florence Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2017
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