Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2015

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2015 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all student study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 61 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 WIJESINGHA, Christopher Prashan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 4 50,50,43,42
2 PATTERSON, Fraser Lachlan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 50,43
3 ASQUITH, Eve Margaret Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 49
4 MAWLEY, Juliette Suzanne Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 49
5 ARCHIBALD, Dexter Stella Riley Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 4 48,48,41,41
6 TORRIERO, Isabelle Eva Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 5 48,47,40,40,40
7 SCHNEIDER, Rebecca Jane Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 5 48,45,45,43,41
8 BROCK, Andrew James Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 48
9 NORMAN, Melissa Hope Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 48
10 WORSFOLD, Sophie Isabella Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 3 47,44,43
11 COLLINS, Stephanie Louise Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 47,44
12 FARAH, Samiyah Aidarus Musse Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 3 46,45,41
13 CARNOVALE, Michael James Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 5 46,42,41,41,41
14 ANKER, Georgia Michelle Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 46
15 RATHBONE, Chelsea Jennifer Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 46
16 FOX, Henry Butler Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 5 45,45,44,42,41
17 GALBRAITH, Eliza Rose Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 5 45,42,41,40,40
18 BAYLY, Max Richard Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 3 45,41,40
19 LAWSON, Janna Rachel Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 45
20 WINES, Harry Matthew Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 45
21 COULTHARD, Jemma Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 3 44,43,42
22 KERWIN, Zoe Grace Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 3 44,41,41
23 BOLTON, Aimee Louise Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 44
24 FORD, Anna Louise Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 44
25 COX, Alex John Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 43,43
26 NETHERSOLE, Sarah Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 43,41
27 LELLIOTT, James Paul Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 43,40
28 EATON, Angus D'Arcy Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 43
29 KREMOR, Georgia Rose Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 3 42,42,41
30 TOZER, Drew Wesley Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 42,42
31 DEAN, Sophie Elizabeth Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 42,41
32 COSSAR, Sarah Jane Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 42,40
33 WITTINGSLOW, Isaiah Jesse Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 42,40
34 CASSIDY, Annabelle Louise Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 42
35 MAUDE, Bridget Jean Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 42
36 OSBORNE, Emily Grace Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 42
37 WANG, Minyu Katy Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 42
38 ZITO, Abbey Mae Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 42
39 EKANAYAKE, Mithma Ruvindhi Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 41,40
40 CURRIE, Lewis Mcrae Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 41
41 DEMAIO, Nicola John Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 41
42 FRANCIS, Nicholas Richards Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 41
43 KING, Edward Christopher Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 41
44 NELSON, Jordan Cooper Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 41
45 SCHRECK, Liam Thomas Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 41
46 ABDULLAH, Umair Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 2 40,40
47 BANFIELD, Fletcher Crispin Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 40
48 BERTOLUS, Ella Louise Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 40
49 BROOKS, Bridget Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 40
50 CAUGHEY, Isobel Ann Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1 40
Last Updated: 7 Feb 2021
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