Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2014

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2014 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all student study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 165 entries are shown.
1 - 50
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 PARSONS, Lewis Stafford Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 50,50
2 CHIANG, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 5 50,49,47,45,44
3 MCMILLAN SUMMONS, Charles Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 50,48,42,40
4 SHU, Mel Yuyang Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 5 50,47,47,47,43
5 STOREY, Henry John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 50,47,46,42
6 EKKEL, Alexander Han-Saem Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 50,47,43,40
7 STONIER-WATSON, Jordan Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 50,47,43,40
8 MAINLAND, John Henry Robinson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 50,46,45
9 ZENG, Hanru Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 5 50,46,43,42,41
10 BOWES, Matthew Douglass Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 50,46,40
11 FORREST, Ellery James Lytton Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 50
12 ZHU, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 50
13 LAPPIN, Connor James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 49,44
14 KIELLERUP, Henry George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 48,48,43,41
15 ALLEN, William Montgomery Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 48,47,45
16 LIU, Simon Kwong Yan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 48,46
17 WEEDEN, Charlie Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 48,45,44,43
18 RISBEY, Edward Stanley Samual Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 48,44
19 CHOI, Marcus Chi-Wah Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 48
20 GILHAM, Alexander Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 48
21 HU, Victor Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 48
22 LIU, Jonathon Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 48
23 WATKIN, Hunter George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 48
24 SHUTT, James Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 47,47,40
25 ROSENTHAL, Theodore Clive Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 47,45,41,41
26 UMBERS, Hugo Harry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 47,44,43
27 BERGIN, Robert Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 47,44,42,41
28 GRUEN, Alexander John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 47
29 NIGRO, Stefan Lorenzo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 47
30 TITEU, David Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 47
31 WU, Youzhi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 47
32 YUAN, Qi Mu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 46,46
33 HILL, Samuel John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 5 46,44,43,41,41
34 HA, Justin Wai Tai Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 46,44,43
35 ROSS, William Fergus James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 46,43
36 VAN HAANDEL, Alex Martin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 46,42,40
37 BAILLIEU, Robert Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 46
38 BEACH, Maximilian Arthur Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 46
39 GATFORD, Huw Wilkie Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 46
40 LEAHEY, David William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 46
41 RICARDO, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 46
42 VILLALUZ, Nicholas Rufino Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 46
43 WAITE, Harry John Ravenswood Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 46
44 SOON, Marcus Yann Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 45,44,43,41
45 EBSWORTH, Thomas Barton Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4 45,42,42,42
46 BANNEHEKE, Piyusha Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 45,41,40
47 LIANG, Bill Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3 45,41,40
48 BORTHWICK, Fergus Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 45,41
49 TARGET, Daniel Charles Dewar Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2 45,40
50 CARRIGAN, William Holtom Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1 45
Last Updated: 8 Feb 2021
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