Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2016

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2016 ranked in order of their total number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

58 of 58 entries are shown.
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1 MARES, Leo Shiels Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 4 50,48,46,42
2 REEVES, Veronika Kurzak Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 4 50,43,42,40
3 CHOI, Ha Jeong Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 3 50,44,42
4 DALTON, Jack Paul Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 3 48,47,42
5 WESTON, Ella Jennifer Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 3 48,46,45
6 SINCLAIR, Ruby Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 3 44,44,41
7 GIBSON, Robin Witcomb Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 3 44,43,40
8 SPILLER, Astro Samuel Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 3 42,41,40
9 HUNTER, Tahlia Hope Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 50,50
10 REYNE, Eva Sunny Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 45,41
11 DEANE, Bridget Frances Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 43,43
12 ROE, April Margaret Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 43,41
13 HALLIWELL, Georgina Tasmin Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 42,41
14 KATSOURAKIS, Alec John Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 42,41
15 RYU, Kelly Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 42,41
16 MAGUIRE, Emma Rosemary Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 2 42,40
17 CASTAGNA, Olivia Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 50
18 DIMATTINA, Luke Christopher Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 50
19 DROUSIOTI, Franky Foti Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 50
20 FITZGERALD, Riley Patrick Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 50
21 IONESCU, Sandra Stefania Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 50
22 LOH, Kye Yim Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 50
23 MARTIN, Gabrielle Ann Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 48
24 HALL, Anthony Richard Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 47
25 SUSIC, Jasmine Rose Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 47
26 OWENS, Alexander Michael Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 46
27 CHO, Ally Khohyun Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 45
28 GILHAM, Jessica Anne Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 45
29 AUGELLO, Alessia Lia Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 44
30 DEARSLEY, Jordan Gerard Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 44
31 TATTERSALL, Cassandra Lee Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 44
32 WU, Jiaqi Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 44
33 EDWARDS, Hayley Jemma Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 43
34 JUAN, Clare Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 43
35 RUETHER, Laura Kewarra Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 43
36 WEERASIRI, Rachel Dimple Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 43
37 FRICK, Holly Rose Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 42
38 WATTS, Kane Andrew Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 42
39 YANG, Rosemarry Yu-Wei Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 42
40 ANDREWS, Madeleine Isabelle Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 41
41 KELLER, Jim Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 41
42 KELLY, Joseph Patrick Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 41
43 LAMB, Kimberly Robyn Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 41
44 O'CONNOR, Eliza Bennetts Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 41
45 ASHCROFT, Rhiana May Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
46 BINDER, Tiarn Elizabeth Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
47 CHEN, Yang Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
48 DAVIDSON, Elise Claire Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
49 ELLIOTT, Kaitlyn Judith Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
50 FOLPP, Lily Kate Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
51 HURWOOD, Jackson Mountfort Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
52 JEONG, Sung Kyeong Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
53 MCCOOEY, Ceridwen Aoife Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
54 MILLER, Alexandra Emily Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
55 PARWATA, Jaya Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
56 SAMAT, Aisha Anna Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
57 SCICLUNA, Imre Desmond Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
58 WHITE, Nicholas Stewart Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1 40
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2017
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