Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2016

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2016 ranked in order of their total number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 101 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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51 GORDON, Jemima Charlotte Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 46
52 SOLOMONIDES, Louise Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 46
53 ZHONG, Christine Ling Hua Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 46
54 WILSON, Stephanie Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 45
55 KEMP, Frazer Armstrong Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 44
56 MOORHOUSE, Lachlan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 44
57 SASSON, Julian David Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 44
58 STRACK, Callum Stewart Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 44
59 ANGUS, Fraser James Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 43
60 BOOTH, Nathan Patrick Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 43
61 TAYLOR, Aidan Gray Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 43
62 DALY, Steven Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
63 FONG, Jeffrey Dean Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
64 HAMILTON, Charlotte Rose Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
65 HOLLAND, Paul Vernon Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
66 LUCAS, Samuel Terrance Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
67 MCCULLOCH, Mia Catherine Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
68 MCINTYRE, Robert Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
69 PATERSON, Lexie Eileen Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
70 RAUSZ, Piper Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
71 STORTI, Tiana Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
72 WEBSTER, Emily Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 42
73 AMARTEY, Joel Peter Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
74 BROWN, Lachlan Michael Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
75 CHAMBERS, Brittany Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
76 CHARNLEY, Benjamin James Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
77 CRANE, Eliza Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
78 CUNNINGTON, Jack Allan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
79 DOYLE, Emma Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
80 GHENT, Riley Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
81 HARDY, Chelsy Isabel Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
82 HOLLINGSWORTH, Austin Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
83 PALMER, Jackson Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
84 PETRIE, Tessa Maree Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
85 ZAHAROPOULOS, Constantinos Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
86 ZAHRA, Shane Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 41
87 BEST, Annabel Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
88 BOWEN, Georgia Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
89 CIMINO, Sarah Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
90 ENGLAND, Lachlan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
91 JADEN, Joshua Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
92 MCKINNON, Jamieson Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
93 PEARMAN, James Lachlan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
94 PRATT, Adam Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
95 RAY, Matthew Stephen Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
96 ROBERTS, Zachary Williams Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
97 SARIGARI, Sumbaro Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
98 SHERMON, Marc Douglas Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
99 SMITH, Brannan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
100 STAMMERS, Maxwell Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1 40
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2017
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